almost 4 years ago
Roku is great and has so much potential and has so much useful commands I love this bot.
Roku is a cute , sweet discord bot that can do many useful things and helps in growing your server.
A cute, multi-purpose bot that helps in growing your discord server!
Roku has 200+ commands. Some of them are listed Below
Fun Commands
Helps u make anime drake meme in an interactive way
Description not avaliable
Gay filter of avatar If user is not mentioned, shows the avatar of the person who used the command
Magik filter of avatar If user is not mentioned, shows the avatar of the person who used the command
Shows the mention person as trash, It's a fun command , so don't take it seriously
Triggers the User
Creates a wanted poster of mentioned user with a random price If a user is not mentioned, create wanted poster of you
Turns you into a stone
Makes the person worse than hitler
An AI which reads the image and comments on the image
Shows 5 dominant colors of your profile picture
Converts your text into some cool images
Gay Rating Device Shows How gay you are!
Gives Charcoal effect your profile picture
Make people say stuff Fake chat screenshot image
Jails you
Waifu rating Device Shows how much of a sweet waifu you can be!
A command to chat with an AI
Brings random meme from reddit
Husband rating Device Shows how much of a cool husband you can be!
Checks pp size of mentioned member. If user is not mentioned, this will show authors pp size
We have seen magic mirror in many story books where it tells u who is the most beautiful person in this world, Sameway here Roku will act as the magic mirror and u can ask any question like `ro who is most beautiful person this server.` And it will who is the one among you.
Creates a tinder matching profile of two mentioned user
Shows the love between 2 persons.
A waifu card game
Guess the pokemon's name
Shows the balance of the player
Gives daily coins
To start the game of roku
Sets the channel for spawning anime charecters. Use `ro redirect off` to stop redirecting.
Description not avaliable
Spawns a random charecter
Information category
Shows the websocket latency and message latency of this bot.
Shows last restarted and status page of the bot.
Returns an invite link for this bot
Returns topgg vote link for the bot and your server
Return an invite link of the support server
Shows Information about the bot
Shows info about a user.
Shows info about the current server.
Shows the source code of the bot
Returns the avatar(profile pictures) of the user
Shows Spotify Activity of a User
Shows your current premium levels
Commands that will help in moderating your server.
Clears the mentioned amount of messages. If an amount is not mentioned then amount is considered as 5 If a member is mentioned, then it clears that member's messages only.
Kicks a mentioned member from the server. In order for this to work, the bot must have Kick Member permissions. To use this command you must have Kick Members permission.
Bans a user from the server. You can also ban from ID to ban regardless whether they're in the server or not. In order for this to work, the bot must have Ban Member permissions. To use this command you must have Ban Members permission.
Unbans a member from the server. You can pass either the ID of the banned member or the Name#Discrim combination of the member. Typically the ID is easiest to use. In order for this to work, the bot must have Ban Member permissions. To use this command you must have Ban Members permissions.
Warns a member in the server You can pass either ID or nickname or name#discrimin combination To use this command, you must have Manage Server permissions. You can check warns through `search `.
Changes the slowmode of given channel. If channel is not given, changes the slowmode of channel where command is run. Time format 2 h, 3 m, 2 s. Eg: `ro slowmode 10s`
**Note: ** To turn off slowmode, type ro slowmode
See the past punishment history of a user in the server or the entire server at once. Only counts punishments given out through Roku
See a specific user's warnings or just all warnings on the entire server
Mute users so they can no longer talk. If you want to temporarily mute someone, use time after mentioning the member. Note that times are in UTC. Mutes stay even if they leave and rejoin. Please note that servers with custom member roles that give permissions to talk will no work due to permission overwriting
The bot must have Manage Roles permission and be above the muted role in the hierarchy.
To use this command you need to be higher than the mute role in the hierarchy and have Manage Roles permission at the server level.
Start a quick Giveaway
Ends the Giveaway You need to pass message ID of the giveaway You can also refer (reply) to giveaway embed to end that particular giveaway If message ID , link or reference is not given, then it ends the last giveaway event.
Reroll the Giveaway. You need to pass message ID of the giveaway You can also refer (reply) to giveaway embed to end that particular giveaway If message ID , link or reference is not given, then it ends the last giveaway event.
Music - Enjoy HD Quality Music Using Roku
Connect to a voice channel.
Play or queue a song with the given query.
Pause the currently playing song.
Resume a currently paused player.
Skip the currently playing song.
Stop the music and leaves the voice channel.
Change the players volume, between 1 and 100.
Shuffle the players queue.
Description not avaliable
Change the players equalizer.
Display the players queued songs.
Update the player controller.
Swap the current DJ to another member in the voice channel.
Hug someone tightly
Give someone a lovely head pat
Cuddle someone
Get a taste of someone by licking them
Give someone a big smooch on the lips
Express You Happiness And Joy!
Express Your Sadness :(
Pout at someone
Become angry at someone
Makes you blush >//<
Slap someone so hard
kill someone
Sleep on someone's lap
Help to setup your welcome in a completely customizable way
welcome message
Sets welcome message or embed You can use embed builder from
welcome description
Sets the welcome description. If text is not provided, description is set to empty
welcome channel
Sets the welcome channel. If channel is not mentioned , channel will be set to the channel where the command is used.
welcome title
Sets the welcome title.
welcome footer
Sets the footer text of welcome embed!
welcome text
Sets the text message outside embed.
welcome timestamp
Toggles the timestamp for welcome embed. Turn this on if u want to timestamp for welcome embed
welcome test
Test your welcome setup! Actually this emits a fake join event.
welcome off
Turns welcome system off To turn it on, you need to set from begining again!
welcome bind
Sets up the welcome instantly
welcome footericon
Sets the footer icon of welcome embed!
welcome embed
Turn welcome embed on or off
welcome thumbnail
Sets the thumbnail of welcome embed!
welcome color
Sets the welcome embed color Supports Color names and hex.
Sets the welcome images. Link is only supported!
welcome image list
Shows the entire welcome images list
welcome image textcolor
Welcome Image Edit Text color. This edits the text color. All hex codes and few color names are supported
welcome image textborder
Welcome Image Edit Text color This edits the text bordercolor. All hex codes and few color names are supported
welcome image remove
Removes a previously added welcome image. Link is only supported!
welcome image edit
Settings for welcome image
welcome image add
Sets the welcome images. Link is only supported!
welcome image avatarcolor
Welcome Image Edit Text color This edits the avatar outline All hex codes and few color names are supported
Help to setup your goodbye system in a completely customizable way
goodbye channel
Sets the goodbye channel. If channel is not mentioned , channel will be set to the channel where the command is used.
goodbye footer
Sets the footer of goodbye embed.
goodbye bind
Sets up the goodbye instantly
goodbye footericon
Sets the footer icon of goodbye embed!
goodbye test
Test your goodbye setup! Actually this emits a fake join event.
goodbye title
Sets the goodbye title
goodbye text
Sets the text message outside embed.
goodbye off
Turns goodbye system off To turn it on, you need to set from begining again!
goodbye message
Sets goodbye message or embed You can use embed builder from
goodbye color
Sets the goodbye embed color Supports Color hex and some color names
goodbye thumbnail
Sets the thumbnail of goodbye embed!
goodbye embed
Turn goodbye embed on or off
goodbye description
Sets the goodbye message. Keywords you could use while using goodbye
goodbye timestamp
Toggles the timestamp for goodbye embed. Turn this on if u want to timestamp for goodbye embed
Customize Goodbye images Link is only supported!
goodbye image add
Adds an image to goodbye images. Link is only supported!
goodbye image list
Shows the entire goodbye images list
goodbye image textborder
Goodbye Image Edit Text color This edits the text bordercolor. All hex codes and few color names are supported
goodbye image textcolor
Goodbye Image Edit Text color. This edits the text color. All hex codes and few color names are supported
goodbye image edit
Settings for goodbye image
goodbye image remove
Sets the goodbye images. Link is only supported!
goodbye image avatarcolor
Goodbye Image Edit Text color This edits the avatar outline All hex codes and few color names are supported
Help to setup disboard notifications
disboard message
Sets the disboard bump message.
disboard channel
Sets the disboardchannel. If channel is not mentioned , channel will be set to the channel where the command is used.
disboard test
Test your Disboard Message Setup
disboard off
Turns disbord notifications system off To turn it on, you need to set from begining again!
Setup which role should I give automatically to users and bots when they join the server.
autorole all
Adds roles to all users on joining the server. If Member Screening is Enabled, Roles are only given after they are verified (pass member screening). This can be used along with bot.
autorole bot
Adds roles to bot users on joining the server If Member Screening is Enabled, Roles are only given after they are verified (pass member screening). This can be used along with bot.
autorole human
Adds roles to human users on joining the server. If Member Screening is Enabled, Roles are only given after they are verified (pass member screening).
autorole show
Shows the full list of autoroles that are currently setup
Removes autorole for everyone.
autorole none bot
Removes autorole of bots
autorole none human
Removes autorole of humans
Sets the prefix of the bot.
This is more like adding a single prefix along with default prefixes.
If u want more control over prefix, use the prefix
and its subcommands.
Manages the server Prefix
prefix clear
Clears all previously added prefix from Roku This change will make roku use the defaul prefix within it.
prefix remove
Removes a previously added prefix from Roku
prefix show
Shows the Current Prefixes of this server.
prefix add
Adds a new prefix to Roku
Enable a command in your server
Disable a command in ur server
23 reviews
Reviews can be left only by registered users. All reviews are moderated by moderators. Please make sure to check our guidelines before posting.
5 stars
4 stars
3 stars
2 stars
1 star
almost 4 years ago
Roku is great and has so much potential and has so much useful commands I love this bot.
about 4 years ago
Super cool, and super easy discord bot! I recommend this bot, so what you waiting for. Hit invite!
almost 4 years ago
A very noice, pog bot i recommend it cus it's very cute and easy to use, the dev is cute too soo yeah you'll have fun with Roku uwu.
about 4 years ago
Very cute, sweet discord bot that can do many useful things and helps growing in my server.
about 4 years ago
This bot is a very very very cool bot, it contains a lot of features like: advanced moderation, cool games, etc. I recommend you adding this bot in your server.
Ro (changeable) / slash commands
Server Count
Support Server
Roku's Valley