Mystic is a new bot that manages suggestions on servers, our bot doesn't run with a thumbs up and thumbs down emoji our bot is something com
You can control Mystic with commands for example to set the suggestions channel you have to do it by command, then you can write messages into the suggestions channel the bot automatically makes an embed out of it with 2 buttons "I am for" and "I am against" you can press them after pressing the button the embed updates and the respective number goes up, as a team member or the one who can manage the ideas can then do the command s!suggestion this opens an embed with 2 buttons "Manage idea" and "Manage messages" at Manage idea you come through several steps. First you have to enter the ID of the idea, then you can choose if the idea should be accepted or rejected, after that you have to enter an answer like "We will add this soon" after that it will be updated automatically in the embed the same with reject, the embed has a status category there can be 3 messages once the message that the idea is still unprocessed, that the idea is accepted or that the idea has been rejected, all status messages can be edited by pressing the manage messages button with s!suggestion, the bot gets frequent updates so it stays up to date.
Oh and the bot has a Set Lang command you can switch between German and English
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